Coleman and Company

Coleman and Company

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Weekdays from 7:00am to 8:00am Coleman Walker began his career at Wilson County’s Own Radio (WCOR) in 1961. Known for his easy-going and fair interview style, Coleman host a 1 hour show every weekday morning on WANT/WCOR.

Listeners are treated to a variety of guest each day speaking on a variety subjects, including regularly scheduled monthly guest such as officials from local, county, and state government.

When people want to know what’s going on, they tune in to Coleman and Company - and when people want to get their message to the community, they know Coleman and Company is the place to start.

Each 30 minute segment of Coleman and Company offers several avenues for sponsors. Segment sponsorships are sold on a monthly basis, and offer the sponsor approximately 5 minutes of "live" time, once per week, talking about their product with Coleman. Sponsors can purchase entire segments, with Coleman interviewing the sponsor about their product for approximately 20 minutes. Individual :30 and :60 second commercials can also be purchased during the hour long show.
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Looking for Sponsorship Opportunities?
Many sponsors have found the effectiveness of being able to discuss their product at length unequaled in advertising value. That’s one of the reasons Coleman and Company stays booked with long-term contract advertisers*. If you need more than sixty seconds to sell your product, Coleman and Company is the cost effective answer.

*Space is limited. Sponsorships on Coleman and Company are sold on a "first come, first serve" basis and are subject to availability.

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